
Monday, August 26, 2013

We will, we will HAWK you!

What a great week last week!  We ended the week with a back-to-school assembly that had students chanting along to the famous song "We Will Rock You"--but we sang the HMS version at the chorus!  Our administrators reviewed school-wide behavior policies, which we have also been doing in all of our classes.  Here is a photo of the brainstorming that we've been doing in our class.  Students were very clear about what expectations they valued in our classroom. They wrote their ideas on post-it notes, and by the end of the day we had categorized them as being SAFE, being RESPECTFUL or being RESPONSIBLE.

Last week, students took the STAR reading test online to assess their reading comfort levels for our Accelerated Reader program.  They each received a range of scores (ex. 3.2-5.9).  This range corresponds to books that will be easiest and most difficult to read successfully.  Most books will have an AR reading level that can be found on-line.  Students should try to read books within their comfort levels and students should practice reading everyday for at least 20 minutes to start.

This week we'll begin working on our first project:  Learner Profile Silhouette Project.  Students will start to consider their learning strengths and weaknesses.  They will be thinking about the questions WHO AM I?  and WHO CAN I BECOME?  Can't wait to see the results!

Have a great week!  HAWK ON!

Friday, August 16, 2013

8th Graders = On Top of the World!

We had some amazing insight and discussions today in class regarding the question, "What does it mean to be an 8th grader at Harvest this year?"  Students are excited, nervous, many mixed emotions for a middle schooler!  The link below is to the song we listened to part of in class to remind students they really are on top of the world this year!

Remember, students, to complete your graduation reflection sheet fully--I can't wait to read what you envision for yourself as an 8th grader this year.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Who can you become this year??

What a great first day back at school!  I'm honored and excited to be teaching 8th grade Language Arts again this year.  I saw so many smiling (though still a bit sleepy) faces today--and I can tell that everyone is eager to have an amazing final school year at Harvest Middle School.

This week students will be introduced to the idea of "What does it mean to be an 8th Grader at HMS?" and we'll be discussing / making goals for this year leading into high school.  We listened to and analyzed the lyrics to "Graduation Song" by Vitamin C to jump start our reflection.  Students were asked to complete a short answer assignment regarding the song and their plans for the 2013-14 school year.  The possibilities are endless!

Here is a link to the worksheet we used to analyze and reflect upon the song.

See link the original MTV music video below.

We'll also be building our classroom expectations for this year.  Start thinking of what it means to be SAFE, RESPECTFUL, and RESPONSIBLE in our classroom...

Lastly, this week we will start contemplating what it means for Harvest Middle School to be an International Baccalaureate school and what it takes for all of us to strive to fit the IB Learner Profile.  See a quick intro video below to preview the Learner Profile traits.

Start thinking about your strengths and limitations related to the Learner Profile traits and the following questions: Who are you now?  and Who can you become this year?