
Monday, September 17, 2012


Just for fun...

Go on the Napa County Library and find the link through the kids' section for Tumblebooks.  This is a really cool site with a ton of picture books that you can read (or have read to you) online.  When you are finished listening/reading all the way through, you can take a quiz on the book the next day at school.  They are cute kid picture books, but some of them are at a high reading level.  The AR level will always be listed next to the titles of the books.  Keep track of them on your log sheet.  They count, too!

P.S.  I suggest the story The Paper Bag's pretty entertaining.  But, you should look through all of them and see which one calls your name!  Easy points on AR!  Enjoy!

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Parent Visitation Day is Wednesday, 9/19, and Student Led Conferences are right around the corner...before you know it the end of the first trimester will be here--November 2nd.  Take a moment to check in with your teachers to see how you are doing in all of your classes, not just Language Arts.  I want you to be successful all around, so take a moment this week to make sure you have turned in all of your assignments and taken all assessments.

Speaking of checking should have all received your Aeires Parent Portal passwords.  Visit this site regularly to see what grades have been posted.  Believe it or not, teachers make mistakes, so be sure to check in with us to let us know if you find an error...but be nice about it! :) 

Now on to the next hot talk topic, assessments.  We got our first graded quizzes back in Language Arts.  If you scored over 18--yay!  You are proficient or advanced!  Whooo hooo!  If you scored below 18, you need to see me about retaking the quiz until you are proficient.  Re-study those Cornell notes, have a friend quiz you, and prove your knowledge!

Remember there is a spelling quiz this week on study, study, study.  Copy the most difficult words to spell at least 7 times each until you know them by heart.  These words for the first unit are relatively easy, but there are a few humdingers in be prepared!  Keep up with your Blue Ch. 1 Packets.  The final packet is worth 140 big points--so stick with us!  By Wednesday you should have finished pages 1-2 and 4-10.  Don't let yourself get behind!

If you are beginning to feel overwhelmed at all in any of your classes, especially in Language Arts, that is normal, but feel free to talk to me and I will help you get back on track.  Hang in there, 7th graders (and parents!).

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Back to School Night

Hi, everyone!  Tonight is the night where parents and guardians get to flashback to their days in the classroom growing up.  It is pretty weird to sit in desks again and listen to teachers lecturing.  Now your folks remember how difficult, yet exciting, it is being a student in 2012!  I've attached the power point that I go over with students' families.  We've got a lot to cover this year in 7th grade Language Arts!  Students will work harder this year than any other before!

Remember the genre quiz is sure to study those Cornell Notes.  I've also attached the review power points we went over in class.  Will you "ace" the first assessment of the year?

I really am enjoying all my 7th grade Bantaland students!  You guys are a great group!

Back to School Night
Genres Review

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's starting to feel like school again...

As we move into the 4th week of school, the reality of 7th grade hits--there is an increased work load, the expectations have risen, and summer is really over!  We are in the process of finishing up the opening activities of the year:  the entry level assessment, the self-portraits, the goal statement thought bubbles, and outside reading introductions.  By the end of this week, students will have a better sense of Accelerated Reader (AR) and what they need to do this year to reach the million word mark. 

We also are taking GENRE notes this week--there will be a mini-quiz next week.  Be sure to study your cornell notes (reread, highlight, cover and quiz yourself) and start to think about what genre or category the book you are currently reading fits in.  Is it fiction or non-fiction or poetry?  Is it a poetry anthology, fantasy, historical fiction, realistic fiction, science fiction, mystery, biography/autobiography, or informational literature?  Remember the challenge is to read 40 books this year in a variety of genres, so get into the reading routine sooner rather than later.  Remember to write down the books you read each trimester on your log sheet.  Read, read, read...did I say read? :)