
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

It's starting to feel like school again...

As we move into the 4th week of school, the reality of 7th grade hits--there is an increased work load, the expectations have risen, and summer is really over!  We are in the process of finishing up the opening activities of the year:  the entry level assessment, the self-portraits, the goal statement thought bubbles, and outside reading introductions.  By the end of this week, students will have a better sense of Accelerated Reader (AR) and what they need to do this year to reach the million word mark. 

We also are taking GENRE notes this week--there will be a mini-quiz next week.  Be sure to study your cornell notes (reread, highlight, cover and quiz yourself) and start to think about what genre or category the book you are currently reading fits in.  Is it fiction or non-fiction or poetry?  Is it a poetry anthology, fantasy, historical fiction, realistic fiction, science fiction, mystery, biography/autobiography, or informational literature?  Remember the challenge is to read 40 books this year in a variety of genres, so get into the reading routine sooner rather than later.  Remember to write down the books you read each trimester on your log sheet.  Read, read, read...did I say read? :)