
Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy 2013!

We're back and, believe it or not, we're at the half way point of the year!  We're starting off 2013 finishing up our Chapter 2 stories involving characterization and moving on to a brush up on grammar/parts of speech.  This week students were asked to do some research online to find the best grammar information and game sites for middle school students.  They need to check out the site and what it has to offer, then they must write up a review describing whether the site is useful or not and email/bring the write up to class.  The hope is to create a list of great resources for students to check out to brush up on grammar skills as needed.  One way that we will be memorizing the 8 parts of speech is through a mnemonic device that we will practice next week.  Check out the video below for a preview:
We'll also sing some silly, but educational grammar songs and then move on to the remaining grammar pages in our packet.  Next up is Response to Literature Writing and a Chapter 3/4 in our textbook. 

The latest AR news on the street is that Harvest Middle School currently has the most million word readers in the entire district!  I'm very proud of all our students who are pushing themselves to read more than they ever have before!  You will see it pay off in your school work and life...promise! :)

Also, if you haven't already "liked" the new Harvest Middle School facebook page, please do so.  You'll receive information updates and information regarding future school events.

One last reminder, 2nd Trimester Progress Report grades are due next week.  If you haven't logged on to parent portal, please do so and see me as soon as possible if there are any discrepencies with your grade. 

Thanks for checking in.  Let's resolve to make 2013 at HMS memorable and meaningful!