
Thursday, February 14, 2013

DWA is on its WAY!

Time to get mentally prepared for the District Writing Assessment.  You are going to take the knowledge you have about persuasive essay writing from 6th grade and move it up a notch to 7th grade level expectations.  We are working to write strong position and thesis statements, elaborate on your arguments, include a meaningful counterargument and end with a passionate call to action. Please watch the following video to review the organization of persuasive essays.  Leave an appropriate comment or question below regarding what you learned or what you still may have questions about.


  1. So the thesis the single most important sentence

  2. I think that's really cool. It was nice how they showed the essay as a diagram thingy!:)

  3. This taught me that there are two different types of persuasive essays. Which type would you use for the DWA?

  4. persussive essays try to persuade the reader or the person written to.

  5. The body pragraphs are used to prove the thesis. You need many reasons to support your thesis.

  6. Is "first off", "furthermore", and "finally" the only main transition words?

  7. If you ever need a rebreif on how to do a proper persuasive essay this video will do the trick. It showed me "The Machine", the importance of using transitions, and how to conclude my essay.

    See what I did there?

  8. the video was great! it taught me that i need 3 reasons and that i need to support them.

  9. Caitlin Aaron-VadnaisFebruary 20, 2013 at 4:59 PM

    I thought the similie, "A good essay is like a smooth running machine.", was VERY helpful. I also liked the part at the end when they told you what time each topic was talked about, so you could go back and listen to it again.

  10. Well first I think the time index should of been in the begining and the "candy bar" looked more like butter.Other than that I learned that thesis is an opinion and topic sentence is a factual topic,also that the thesis must say that you are againsit or for the topic.

  11. I learned what the difference between thesis and a topic sentence is. A thesis is more of an opinion about your position and a topic sentence is factual information about the topic of your essay.

  12. I learned that there is 2 different kinds of Persuasive Essays.

  13. i learned alot about this and how they are two types of persuasive essay

  14. i thought it was good i learned about the topics of an essay

  15. something i learned from this educational video is i finally learend how to setup a essay and i learned what a hook is!

  16. i learned how to set up a essay and now what a hook is. this viedo reall helped me out now i now what to do to start a essay sincerly blaziek who is aswome so is every body else:)...THE END MRS BANTA IS AWESOME

  17. The video was cool.I learned a lot from it. You need to hook the person that's reading it.

  18. I learned that you have to put transions in front of each paragraph. P.S Ms Banta is the best teacher ever!

  19. I really liked the video, I learned alot the two types of essays called the arguement ressay and the explanitory essay. I also learned that in the last paragraph you have to rephrase and reuse your thesis statement.

  20. I learned that the explanatory and argument essays can be written the same way and that the Hook is like the most important part.

  21. I learned that all essays require he same basic structure of organization. Also, you should use a thesis statement in a persuasive essay, and a topic sentence in an explanitory essay.

  22. this video was good, but i personally think that it took to long to explain the topics, although it took a long time i think it taught me a lot like, what the difference between a subject and a thesis is

  23. A thesis statement is the most important part in a persuasive essay. The body is just another way of taking the more important parts of the thesis and explaining it better. The summary is similar to the introduction, but flipped over. Also, the thesis is written a little different in the summary than the introduction.

  24. I really liked this video, I learned that a thesis is an opinion and a topic sentence is a factual topic.

  25. I really liked it I learned that the thesis is an opinion and a topic sentence is more about factual info

  26. I liked the video because it helped me understand how to do my transitions alot smoother and how to reuse my thesis stament in my conclusion.

  27. i learned that the thesis is the most important part

  28. this will really help me on the dwa thank you machines

  29. The purpose of doing a persuasive essay is to persuade a reader to agree with my opinion.

  30. I feel like this is really going to help me with the DWA ><

  31. I learned that the conclusion is like the introduction but upside down.In the conclusion the thesis is at the begging of the sentence

  32. wow! I really learned a lot from this video. I really liked how they explained the different parts of the essay. This video explained a lot to me!!
    Dulce Chocooj

  33. well the video was quiete edicational but he justtalking about the advance ways to do it like he didnt say read the prompt over and over again or he didnt even say any thing about counter orgument but i got to say i did learn more and the index of time was preety cool

  34. I learned the difference between thesis and topic sentence. A topic sentence is more factual information, and thesis is more of an opinion. This video helped me prepare for the DWA.

  35. I learned that a Thesis is used in an argument essay. A Topic Sentence is used in an explanatory essay.

  36. i think that this video is going to help every one for the writting assesment!

  37. I feel like im going to do good on the DWA.I learn the thesise is important too.

  38. This video was helpful. I liked the part that explained to use your strongest reason last. Also i learned that the thesis is like the heart of the essay, the thesis is what your essay explains.

  39. I learned what the difference between thesis and a topic sentence is. A thesis is more of an opinion about your position and a topic sentence is factual information about the topic of your essay.

  40. I learned what thesis and a topic sentence is. A thesis is an opinion and a topic sentence is information with facts and no opinions.

  41. I learned what thesis and a topic sentence is. A thesis is more of an opinion and a topic sentence is information with facts and no opinions.

  42. i learned about thesis and how to use it and about topic sentence

