
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Silhouette Project Updates

Just a few reminders:

  • The IB Learner Profile Silhouette Project is due at the end of this week.  Remember you are aiming for "awesome-ness" when it comes to organization and knowledge of vocabulary.  Check the yellow rubric for more details regarding assignment requirements. (Thanks, Ileana, for letting me use yours as an example!)

  • Students will be giving a short (less than a minute) presentation which will involve introducing themselves, sharing their strongest trait/explaining the image/giving an example of why its their strongest, sharing what they most need to improve and how they might do that this year, and ending with "Thank you!"  Be sure to practice at least 10 times in front of a mirror, peer or family member.
  • Accelerated Reader point goals will be shared this sure you are reading at least 20 minutes daily and taking quizzes upon completion of books.  Please see me if you run into any trouble finding books or meeting your goals.  Read to succeed!  Practice makes perfect!
  • Back-to-School Night is coming up next sure to share with your folks how important it is that they come and meet your teachers!  We appreciate your family's support at HMS!
Go Hawks!

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